Airline technology is covered by 5 international patents and has obtained more than 25 awards and certifications all over the world. It has been recognized by the United Nations as one of the four most innovative technologies currently in existence capable of purifying the air.
It measures the emissions of 10 poisonous substances and the parameter “Total Volatile Organic Compounds” (TVOC), classifying the products in four categories from C to A +.
Airlite is 500 times better than CLASS A+ products.
European Parliament has set limits on the content of volatile organic compounds in indoor and outdoor paints.
Airlite has a VOC content lower than 0.1 g/l, 300 times less than that set by the legislation for indoor paints and 400 times less than that for the outdoor paints.
Friendly Materials is an important Spanish certification that evaluates how the quality of materials and building systems affect the health of its occupants.
Airlite has obtained the Friendy Materials GOLD certification and is currently the paint with the highest score (92 out of 95).
Cradle to Cradle is the most important international certification that analyzes the healthful quality of materials, their reusability after use, the use of renewable energy, the management of polluting emissions, the quality of water in the production phase and the social equity of the product.
Airlite is Cradle to Cradle Certified at the GOLD level.
Green Seal is the leading ecological quality label in the United States and certifies those products that demonstrate that they meet rigorous assessment criteria for human health and the reduction of environmental impact.
BREEAM® is the Building Research Establishment (BRE) environmental assessment method that sets a standard for best practices for the environmental performance of buildings through their design, specification, construction and operation.
Airlite products can contribute to the achievement of the objectives defined in the BREEAM credits.
The EPD® certification is a declaration that provides environmental data on the product life cycle in accordance with the international standard ISO 14025. It is prepared with reference to the analysis of the product life cycle based on an LCA (Life Cycle Assessment) study, which defines the consumption of resources (materials, water, energy) and the impacts on the surrounding environment in the various phases of the product life.
Airlite is the only paint that has been certified as effective agains SARS-CoV 2 (Covid-19). As a matter of fact, the data obtained from the tests conducted at the Scientific Department of the Politecnico Militare di Roma “Celio” indicate the reduction of up to 90% of the SARS-CoV 2 virus units that came into contact with Airlite technology in just 15 minutes.
The WELL Building Standard® is revolutionizing the way people think about buildings. Explore how design, operations and behaviours within the places we live, work, learn and play can be optimized to improve human health and well-being.
Airlite products comply with the WELL® construction standard and help to meet characteristics 1 (Air quality standard), 4 (VOC reduction), 6 (Microbe and mould control), 23 (Level air purification advanced), 27 (Antimicrobial activity on surfaces), 97 (Material transparency), 101 (Innovative feature).
LEED® (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the most used green building evaluation system in the world. In order to obtain this certification, a building must meet specific environmental requirements evaluated in different categories, including energy use and air quality, and obtain at least 40 points out of 110 available.
Airline products comply with the LEED® standard and contribute to obtaining credits in 5 areas (SS – Ecological sustainability of the site; EA – Energy and atmosphere; MR – Materials and resources; IEQ – Environmental quality of indoor air; ID Innovation and design process).
Follow us!
AM Technology srl
Piazza Carbonari 12, 20125, Milano, IT
Tel. +39 02 45494 266
P.Iva 02803200217
Clean Air Technology Holding SL
Maldonado 45, 28006, Madrid, ES
Tel. + 34 629374368
VAT ESESB87951521
AM Technology sa
Via Cantonale 50, 6805, Mezzovico-Vira, CH
Phone +41 0919306376
VAT CHE 262.362.708
Airlite 2022. All rights reserved.